Well tomorrow is my last day before I head back to work. I am super excited, we got a newer bus. I went to see and drive my bus on Thursday, and I love my new bus. It is much roomier and nicer and cleaner and runs better then my old bus. I got the kids seats belted in and ready to go, my assigned seats are hanging ready for the little ones, all my pictures are up and looking great! I am sooooo excited, it will be so great once we are back on track. I also picked up an extra run a couple days a week, so that will not only pay more, it will give us less idle time to do nothing. We will keep busy, busy, busy.
We had a yard sale yesterday! It was great. We sold all of the clunky, big stuff that we were storing, which was great. We sold our old travel system to the absolute nicest amish girl, her name was Rachel. She was such a sweetheart. I offered to drop it off at her house, considering she was riding a scooter. We went there and she stood and chatted for a good ten minutes. She was young, but already had a couple kids. She lived right outside of town. I was very happy to meet her. We sold a lot of stuff, not so much baby clothes, which I was hoping for, but we sold everything else, so we just gave our baby clothes to other people who may need them. We gave all the newborn to 3 month clothes to our friends Matt and Holly. Their little Bethany was born like 2 weeks ago, and she is such a little peanut. They didn't know it was a girl, so she is still wearing all the yellow and green, until now, we gave them nothing but pink and purple. I know they are grateful, and appreciate out thoughtfulness.
Today we are going to a picnic for one of TJ's friends. Well we are all social, but only because of TJ and Ryan. They just had their second son on July 8. He is such a cutie in all the pictures, I can't wait to meet him in person. We have gifts for them, and we don't get to see them that often, so it should be a blast. Their first son is the same age as Emily, and I think they should play well together. We'll see......
I think that is all for now. I will try to post later.
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