Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I feel like my life is in a whirlwind and I can't get out. Most days are pretty good, but others are a complete disaster. My family is great, my marriage is great, my kids are great, but everything else is in shambles. I have let friendships go, not intentionally, just that I am not good at catching up, responding or keeping up with other people. I have let other things get in the way of moving forward and that needs to end. I find myself trying to "keep up with the Jones'" and that needs to stop. I need to learn and stick to me, my family and our home. I can no longer concern myself with things that do not directly affect me. I need to remember that: my children are perfect in everyway to me, they are adorable, sweet, loving, kind, happy and healthy; my marriage is amazing, beyond words; my husband, wow too much to say about him; my immediate family is awesome, beyond supportive (for the most part). That is all that matters.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just Cause

I have so many things whirling around lately, big changes, little changes, growing kids, happy marriage, awesome family. I don't have much time to post, but I will do my best.

I can honestly say, I am no longer a bus driver. I quit, kind of, and I am pretty happy about it, yet scared to death. They do not have a run for me, so I am on a "waiting list", ha ha, yeah right?!?! I started a new part-time job at the Y, as a swim instructor and I love it. I like the kids, the environment, the schedule. While teaching swim, I, in a manner of speaking, feel on top of another position. I am now the office Youth and Teen Coordinator. So now I have two positions, both of which I love love love. I can't wait to see what the future holds.

The kids are pretty awesome. They are still growing, still fun, still cute. Emmily started kindergarten in August, and she is in love. She does so great, she has made lots of friends and looks forward to going each day. Colin misses her terribly, but we survive. He was lost the first few days, maybe a week or so, but we have adjusted and he is becoming far more independant. We have been pondering a #3, yikes, I said it out loud. There are so many reasons to just do it, and so many not too. We both agreed a long, long time ago, three was our number, but after Colin, we didn't feel the rush to do it again. We really enjoy having two kids, but we both long for just one more. One more little baby. See we were both convinced we were having three, we never enjoyed the last pregnancy, infant stage... the way we should have. We never thought that having a third would be such a hard decision. The hardest part is, it is now or never. I don't want to wait 5 years and start over. right now, if we did it, there would be 4 years between Colin and baby, which is a lot more then we planned but not too bad. I don't want much more in there. Ok, enough about that! LOL!

TJ and I just celebrated 7 years married, 13 years together. HOLY MOLY! That is a long time, but honestly it doesn't feel that long. We are still so in love, just like it was yesterday. I am so proud of my husband, he is such an all around amazing man. I love him in ways I never thought I could love!

I am running out of time, so this will be scattered a bit. We did a fundraiser for my neice, who has CF. This was the second annual, and it was amazing. we raised over $5k to donate to the CF Foundations. Amazing. Christmas is so close, and we have done nothing. I think we are going to try to start shopping soon. We have to get it done, as much as we dread it. I turn "30" in November, and I am not sure how I feel about it. I am not sad to be 30, it's actually kind of exciting, but I am not so excited. I know it doesn't make sense. I have always wanted a big party for my 30th, but I don't think that will be happening. Times are tough, and money is tight for everyone. I guess this year will just be us, celebrating, which is totally fine with me. The weather is changing and I am completely in love with it. The crisp cool mornings, the cool breeze in the afternoon, the earlier sunsets. I love fall. I could live without all the rain we have had, but it nature, can't stop it.

Ok, I am officially over my time limit. I will try, ha ha, to write again soon!